Verslo plano kūrimo kursas – Patekimų į rinką planas / SBC Business Plan Creation Course – Go To Market Plan

Ieva · April 19, 2023

Business Plan Course Overview

The program is designed to develop a go-to market plan so that small business owners can sell their business ideas to investors and banks, as well as apply for funding, leases, and other essential small business start-up opportunities. We focus on teaching and integrating core business principles during instruction time for excellent accountability and results. By engaging in this process, entrepreneurs strengthen their understanding of how business works and creates a viable plan based on facts.

4 12 12 20+
Modules Weeks Private 1:1
templates and

Program Roadmap

Client Stories

“I started with a good idea, yet with some uncertainty. Less than one year later and my company is now exploring partnership opportunities with other established companies in the imagery analytics and natural resources industries.” – Juliet G

“This course takes self-employment beyond a business plan…I am absolutely thrilled with everything so far and feel I‘ve just scratched the service really! This program is game changing!!” – Brenda R

“Concentrating and launching my business was a lot to focus on, so having a business coach helped me look at the overall picture and vision.” – Pauline R


We are committed to helping you create a go-to market plan so you can sell your business idea to investors and banks and watch your vision come to life! This business plan course and all it’s resources are the foundations you need to build and organized and profitable business.

Sign up today and build a successful business plan!


About Instructor


2 Courses

+2 enrolled
Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 29 Lessons
  • 171 Topics